Category Archives: Key Concepts

I am an Alien Cosmic Über Entity: Others call me God

2022 is my ten-year anniversary of writing books related to religion, belief systems, science, and my favorite topic: Probability. If you have read any of my other Amazon Kindle books (over 30), you will see many familiar themes here. My goal is to focus on a particular slant: What would an Alien, Cosmic Über Entity […]

The Difference Between Faith, Reasonable Expectations, and Hope.

The main problem is that most don’t know the difference between faith, reasonable expectations, and hope. Most people use them interchangeably. When most people say they have “faith” in something, they really mean “reasonable expectations.” To me, faith means, belief “without evidence” or “lack of evidence.” It clearly states in the Bible: Jesus saith unto […]

Probulism and Where Did Life Begin?

The three general theories for where life began are: Deep-sea thermal vents, Shallow pools possibly in clay, Panspermia: life was seeded on earth from outside our world. Abiogenesis is a different field and issue than evolution. There are numerous videos and explanations available on the Internet that illustrate how molecules combine based on biochemistry to […]

I. M. Probulos Youtube series: 101 Reasons for Non-Belief

Please visit my I M Probulos YouTube channel. I’ve just uploaded a 20+ video series: 101 Reasons for Non-Belief. Each video is about six-minutes and I cover all 101 so it’s a little over two-hours of information. The list maps to my new Amazon Kindle book, 101 Reasons for Non-Belief