Category Archives: Free Will

Donald J. Trump and Religion

I actually read two of Donald J. Trumps’s books long before he became a flaming asshole. I also listened to him when he was on Howard Stern and he was always entertaining. Full of himself, but at the time, just a bombastic real estate tycoon, not the political hack and sociopath he became. It is […]

Reply to Amazon Kindle Book: God is Here by John W Nichols

Read through your little book, God is Here on Amazon Kindle. It tries to explain why bad things happen; why would a good God allow them? You are not free from drugs etc because of God. It is more due to probability! My guess is you went to a 12-Step program and gave yourself to […]

Statistics that shape our world

On January 9, 2019 the US national debt was $21, 926,044,700,000 and climbing higher every second. That is nearly 22 trillion. GDP is $20.8 trillion. They are totally separate concepts. The US spends about $1 trillion on Medicare/Medicaid, $1 trillion on Social Security, $670 billion on defense, $291 billion on income security, $342 billion on […]

Trumpism and Sheeple in the News

I am not the first to use the term Trumpism. Most use it in relation to Trumpisms–plural meaning the sayings of Donald Trump. There are many videos detailing them. Trumpism is also used to indicate a political movement: Trumpism. This usage compares it to either a philosophy (Darwinism) or a political system (socialism, communism). The […]

What exactly are sheeple?

“Show me someone without an ego, and I’ll show you a loser.” ―Donald J. Trump Sheeple is formed by combining the words “sheep” and “people” used mainly by politicians to describe the blissfully unaware masses. I would call them blind followers. They are not skeptical people. They are not particularly informed–or care to be. Bill […]

Trumpism: A Religion for Sheeple now available on

Trumpism: A Religion for Sheeple is now available on Donald Trump’s rise to power goes beyond just a political movement–it has numerous features of a religion. Catholicism, Mormonism, Islam, and even Scientology have nothing on Trumpism. It includes: 1. A figurehead, prophet, or deity (Trump) [take your pick] 2. An easily-offended, thin-skinned, and neurotic […]

Ben Carson, the perfect Evangelical shill

While it appears Rick Santorum and Mike Huckabee have been relegated to the “kiddie table” in the Republican Primary, surgeon turned to Evangelical Republican candidate, Ben Carson, is leading many polls as of November 11, 2015. For the secular community, this man is a nightmare. As Bill Maher recently remarked, “how did this man pass […]

Thoughts on “it is what it is” and the Statistical Theory of Everything

This is in response to feedback concerning my Amazon Kindle book, The Statistical Theory of Everything. Note that the concept was originally coined by Isaac Asimov and grew from my research and work on the 12 Unthinkable Horrors of Human Existence. While some feel that viewing the world as a bell curve of events is obvious, […]

Kirk Cameron’s Unstoppable Movie

Why is there so much suffering? Why does God allow suffering? If God is good why is there so much pain and misery in the world? Kirk Cameron, a strict fundamentalist, will explain this to the world on Sept 24 2013. For anyone who has seen Kirk Cameron’s and Ray Comfort’s other videos and presentations […]

Reasons why churchgoers are happier than those who do not.

Some research suggests that churchgoers are happier than those who do not. One is that there is no official or formal organization in most cities for non-church goers including atheists, agnostics and secular humanists. As more freethought societies form across the nation, I think the sense of community will be essentially the same. It is difficult […]