Quote Books

I have four quote books that would be of interest to Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists:

The Big Book of Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

The Big Book of Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

Humorous Quotations and Jokes for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

Humorous Quotations and Jokes for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

Over 365 Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

Over 365 Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

365 Additional Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

365 Additional Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists

The Big Book includes all three of the other quote books plus all quotes are sorted both by category and by author. So it is actually two quote books in one.

The Big Book of Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists [Amazon Link $3.99]

Over 365 Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists [Amazon Link $.99]

365 Additional Quotations for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists [Amazon Link $.99]

Humorous Quotations and Jokes for Atheists Agnostics and Secular Humanists [Amazon Link $.99]

The Big Book List Categories and Authors:

Table of Contents. 4

Introduction. 18

Part One: Quotes. 20

Short and Sweet 20

Just Good. 23

Achievers. 27

America’s Founding Fathers. 29

Atheism.. 30

Belief. 34

Bible. 36

Celebrities. 38

Chance, Probability, and Fate. 39

Christianity. 40

Christopher Reeve. 41

Church. 42

Faith. 45

Fear 51

Free Will 53

God. 54

God as Bungler 61

God in Man’s Image. 62

God Is Too Big For One Religion. 64

God of Love. 65

Good and Evil 66

Heaven. 67

Ignorance. 68

Materialism.. 70

Meaning. 71

Mind Control 72

Miracles. 74

Miscellaneous. 75

Morality. 77

Nature. 80

Origins. 81

Prayer 82

Probability, Fairness and Chance. 83

Purpose. 84

Reality. 86

Religion. 87

Satan. 98

Science. 99

Separation of Church and State. 104

Skepticism.. 105

Smart People. 106

Some Top Idiocy Quotes. 107

Superstition. 109

The Golden Rule. 110

The Universe. 111

Truth. 113

We are Not Special 114

Long But Good. 115

Part Two: Humorous Quotes. 120

Agnosticism.. 121

Atheism.. 122

Belief. 123

Bible. 124

Bumper Stickers/Posters. 125

Catholicism.. 126

Christians. 127

Church. 128

Devil 129

Eternity. 130

Evolution. 131

Faith. 132

God. 133

God as Bungler 135

Hate. 136

Heaven. 137

Hell 138

Hmm.. 139

Ignorance. 140

Irony. 141

Jesus. 143

Just for fun. 145

Marriage. 146

Prayer 147

Religion. 148

Religions, other 150

Science. 151

Sex. 152

Silly. 153

Sin. 154

Superstition. 155

Theology. 157

Young Earth Creationists. 158

Long But Good. 159

Original Work. 162

Change our Minds?. 162

Irony. 164

Jokes. 166

Top Ten Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than Jesus. 167

The Atheist Empire Presents. 168

More Jokes. 169

Wrong E-Mail Address. 170

There’s a Time and Place for Skepticism.. 171

Top Ten Signs You’re A Christian. 172

Top 5 Biblical Way to Acquire a Wife. 173

A Quick Review of World Religions. 174

List of things designed for a particular purpose. 176

Take that atheists! 177

Ouch! 178

21 Actual Announcements Taken From Church Bulletins. 179

Part Three: Quotes Listed Alphabetically by Author 181

Abbey, Edward. 182

Adams, Douglas. 183

Adams, John. 184

Allen, Woody. 185

Amiel, Henri-Frédéric. 186

Anonymous. 187

Anthony, Susan B. 189

Appleman, Philip. 190

Aristotle. 191

Armstrong, Karen. 192

Arnold, Matthew.. 193

Asimov, Isaac. 194

AtheistNexus reply [unknown author] 195

Attenborough, David. 196

Bacon, Francis. 197

Barker, Dan. 198

Barnes, Peter 199

Beauvoir, Simone de. 200

Besant, Annie Wood. 201

Black, Lewis. 202

Blackmore, Susan. 203

Blackstone, William.. 204

Bohr, Niels. 205

Bono. 206

Boorstin, Daniel 207

Botton, Alain de. 208

Bradbury, Ray. 209

Brecht, Bertolt 210

Bryson, Bill 211

Buddha. 212

Buechner, Frederick. 213

Burns, George. 214

Caletti, Deb. 215

Campbell, Joseph. 216

Carlin, George. 217

Carlyle, Thomas. 220

Carrier, Richard C. 221

Carroll, Sean. 222

Chase, Ilka. 223

Chomsky, Noam.. 224

Christianity: Matthew KJV; 30 AD.. 225

Clarke, Arthur C. 226

Coffin, Rev. William Sloane. 227

Colbert, Stephen. 228

Confucianism: Analects 23; 557 BC.. 229

Connolly, Billy. 230

Cosby, Bill 231

d’Holbach, Baron. 232

Darrow, Clarence. 233

Darwin, Charles. 234

Dawkins, Richard. 235

Day, Clarence. 237

Dennett, Daniel C. 238

Dershowitz, Alan M. 239

Dillard, Annie. 240

Doucet, Therese. 241

Eastwood, Clint 242

Edison, Thomas. 243

Einstein, Albert 244

Einstein, Carl 245

Epicurus. 246

Fahringer, Catherine. 247

Feynman, Richard. 248

Fforde, Jasper 249

Freud, Sigmund. 250

Gabriel Rosetti, Dante. 251

Gates, Bill 252

Gervais, Ricky. 253

Gire, Ken. 254

Goldman, Emma. 255

Goncourt, Edmond De. 256

Gould, Stephen Jay. 257

Green, John. 258

Green, Ruth Hurmence. 259

Greenberger, Daniel M. 260

Hageman, William.. 261

Harris, Sam.. 262

Hartmann, Silvia. 264

Hawking, Stephen. 265

Hayter, Adrian. 266

Heinlein, Robert A.. 267

Heller, Joseph. 268

Hicks, Bill 269

Hinduism: Hitopadesa; BC.. 270

Hitchens, Christopher 271

Hobbs, Thomas. 273

Holbach, Baron D’ 274

Hook, Sidney. 275

Hume, David. 276

Huxley, Thomas Henry. 277

Ingersoll, Robert G. 278

Isherwood, Christopher 279

Izzard, Eddie. 280

James, Steven. 281

Jefferson, Thomas. 282

Jeffries, Jim.. 283

Jillette, Penn. 284

Jobs, Steve. 285

Kahneman, Daniel 286

King, Stephen. 287

Kingsolver, Barbara. 288

Kintz, Jarod. 289

Krauss, Lawrence M. 290

Kreider, Tim.. 291

Kurtz, Paul 292

Kurzweil, Ray. 293

Lama, Dalai 294

Lehane, Dennis. 295

Lincoln, Abraham.. 296

Lindensmith, John R. 297

Lovecraft, H. P. 298

Madison, James. 299

Maher, Bill 300

Malloy, Mike. 301

Martin, Steve. 302

Marx, Karl 303

Mather, Geoff. 304

McGill, Bryant H. 305

McKenzie, Brett 306

Megill, David. 307

Mencken, H. L. 308

Meyers, P. Z. 309

Michelangelo. 310

Moehlman, Conrad Henry. 311

Murat ildan, Mehmet 312

Nabokov, Vladimir 313

Nietzsche, Friedrich. 314

Nin, Anaïs. 315

Oakley, Simon. 316

O’Hair, Madalyn Murray. 317

Ojowuro, Adebowale. 318

Oswalt, Patton. 319

Paine, Thomas. 320

Palahniuk, Chuck. 321

Parker, Dorothy. 322

Pascal, Blaise. 323

Paskavich, Victor Stabley. 324

Peart, Neil 325

Pinker, Steven. 326

Pirsig, Robert 327

Pratchett, Terry. 328

Price, Robert M. 329

Pullman, Philip. 330

Pyle, Ernie. 331

Rand, Ayn. 332

Randi, James. 333

Ravus, Frater 334

Ray, Darrel 335

Reeve, Christopher 336

Reich, Wilhelm.. 337

Rey, Joshua. 338

Reynolds, Rick. 339

Roddenberry, Gene. 340

Rooney, Andy. 341

Rushdie, Salman. 342

Russell, Bertrand. 343

Sagan, Carl 344

Salzberg, Sharon. 345

Schulz, Charles M. 346

Schweitzer, Jeff. 347

Sedaris, David. 348

Shaw, George Bernard. 349

Sheaffer, Robert 350

Sheffield, Rob. 351

Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 352

Shermer, Michael 353

Sienkiewicz, Henryk. 354

Singer, Peter 355

Smoker, Barbara. 356

Snow, Ronnie. 357

Stanhope, Doug. 358

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. 359

Stenger, Dr. Victor J. 360

Stewart, Jon. 361

Sting. 362

Suggs, Lionel 363

Tepper, Sheri S. 364

Thoreau, Henry David. 365

Treharne, Trevor 366

Twain, Mark. 367

Tyson, Neil deGrasse. 369

Unknown. 370

Van der Post, Laurens. 371

Voltaire. 372

Vonnegut, Jr, Kurt 373

Vowell, Sarah. 374

Wagner, Jane. 375

Wasserman, Robin. 376

Weinberg, Steven. 377

Wiesel, Elie. 378

Wilson, E. O. 379

Youngman, Henny. 380

Zappa, Frank. 381

Zola, Émile. 382