Monthly Archives: January, 2019

Reasons for Non-Belief Video Series: 1-5

This is video 1, Reasons 1-5 from my Amazon Kindle book, Reasons for Non-Belief, and now a two-hour YouTube series. There will be over 25 videos in the series. Great for a free-thought or apologetics debate group! Twitter: @improbulos I M Probulos Youtube Channel

I. M. Probulos Youtube series: 101 Reasons for Non-Belief

Please visit my I M Probulos YouTube channel. I’ve just uploaded a 20+ video series: 101 Reasons for Non-Belief. Each video is about six-minutes and I cover all 101 so it’s a little over two-hours of information. The list maps to my new Amazon Kindle book, 101 Reasons for Non-Belief

Statistics that shape our world

On January 9, 2019 the US national debt was $21, 926,044,700,000 and climbing higher every second. That is nearly 22 trillion. GDP is $20.8 trillion. They are totally separate concepts. The US spends about $1 trillion on Medicare/Medicaid, $1 trillion on Social Security, $670 billion on defense, $291 billion on income security, $342 billion on […]