Book of Lists


 The Big Book of Lists for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists

The Big Book of Lists for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists


101 Lists for Atheists, Agnostics and Secular Humanists


101 Lists for Atheists, Agnostics and Secular Humanists

 Here are all the lists from The Big Book of Lists for Atheists, Agnostics, and Secular Humanists [Amazon Link $3.99] The Little book stops at Youtube Heathens. (actually 104, not 101 Lists)

Note that most lists have 10 elements; some have over 100. The numbers are approximate page numbers

  1. Top Reasons to be a Non-Believer 20
  2. What’s the Harm?. 22
  3. Abiogenesis (Origin of Life) 23
  4. Adam and Eve Why it is a Myth. 24
  5. Alternative Names for Atheist 26
  6. Anti-Religion Movies/Documentaries. 27
  7. Apologist Arguments. 28
  8. Astronomy Factoids. 29
  9. Atheist, Agnostic and Human Secular Comedians. 30
  10. Atheist Scientists / Businessmen. 31
  11. Bible: Bad Quotes – New Testament 32
  12. Bible: Bad Quotes–Old Testament 33
  13. Bible: Bad Quotes–Old Testament–Science. 34
  14. Bible: Bad Quotes We Ignore. 35
  15. Bible: Bad–Top Lack of Evidence. 36
  16. Bible: New Testament-Top date Factoids. 37
  17. Biology. 38
  18. Cognitive Biases (Includes decision-making, social, and memory biases) 39
  19. Cosmology. 40
  20. Creationism Arguments (Young Earth Creationists [YEC] Against Evolution) 41
  21. Creationist Museum Nonsense (Petersburg KY) 42
  22. Debates. 43
  23. Deism, Arguments for 44
  24. Death, Reasons to Not Fear 45
  25. DNA/RNA.. 46
  26. Earth–Age. 47
  27. Egocentric Nature of Religion and a Belief In God. 48
  28. Evidence for Age of Earth. 49
  29. Evolution. 50
  30. Evolution Books, Ten Top After 2000. 52
  31. Evolution–Common Descent (Universal Common Ancestry) 53
  32. Evolution Education. 54
  33. Evolutionary Origin of Religions. 55
  34. Extinction Events, Five (5) 56
  35. Extremophiles. 57
  36. Factoids of Interest to Non-Believers. 58
  37. Facts on Death and Human Suffering. 59
  38. Faith, Hope and Reasonable Expectations, Difference Between. 60
  39. Fear and Religion. 61
  40. Fine-Tuned Universe, Arguments against 62
  41. Fine-Tuning of the Universe–Six (6) Constants. 63
  42. Free Will is a Myth, Reasons for 64
  43. Genetics. 65
  44. Genetics—Alleles. 66
  45. Geology. 67
  46. God, Arguments Against the Existence of: 68
  47. God, Arguments For the Existence of: 69
  48. God as King or Cruel Father 70
  49. God as Bungler Argument 71
  50. God, Definitions of. 72
  51. God’s Redesign of All of Creation. 73
  52. God, Reasons Not To Question His Will 75
  53. Grieving without God Internet Resources. 76
  54. Grieving without God–12 Quick Tips. 77
  55. Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot as atheists, Arguments against 78
  56. Fossil Hominid Skulls with dates. 79
  57. Hominid Transitional Forms (List) 80
  58. Hominid Transitional Forms (Explanation) 81
  59. Irreducible Complexity (IC) Arguments, For 82
  60. Junk Science and Pseudo Science, Examples of. 83
  61. Kindle Authors – Other 84
  62. Liberal Christianity Theologians. 85
  63. Logical Arguments against the Existence of God. 86
  64. Logical Arguments – Argument from Evil 87
  65. Look Designed but are Not 88
  66. Macro-Evolution, Examples of. 89
  67. Man’s Reason–The Good. 90
  68. Mind Control (aka, How To Know If You Are In a Religious Cult?) 91
  69. Moral Dilemmas. 92
  70. Morality for the Non-Believer 93
  71. Most Common Anti-Science Arguments (From Creationists) 94
  72. New Commandments for the 21st Century. 95
  73. Only a Theory and Regarded as Facts. 96
  74. Origin of Man. 97
  75. Origin of Man–Language. 99
  76. Origin of Universe. 100
  77. Poor Design, Examples of. 101
  78. Prayer, Arguments Against The Validity. 102
  79. Relative Morality, Examples of: 103
  80. Religious Behaviors That Are/Were Despicable. 104
  81. Religions, World. 105
  82. Religious Memes. 106
  83. Satan, Existence of, Arguments Against 107
  84. Science, Belief in. 108
  85. Science that is Not Observable. 109
  86. Scientific Discoveries, Major 110
  87. Scientific Disciplines Related To Evolution and Origins. 111
  88. Secular Morality, Arguments For 112
  89. Secular Solutions and Goals. 113
  90. Social Networks. 114
  91. Soul, Existence of. 115
  92. Sources–Atheism.. 116
  93. Sources–Comparative Religion. 117
  94. Sources–Religious Information. 118
  95. Species Superior to Humans. 119
  96. Subjective Evil, Examples. 120
  97. Survivor Concept 121
  98. Ten Things a Deity Would Never Do. 122
  99. The Golden Rule from Many Sources. 123
  100. The Inquisition. 124
  101. Tower of Babel 125
  102. Transitional Fossils. 126
  103. Which Religions Are Considered To Be Cults?. 127
  104. YouTube Heathens. 128
  105. Alternatives for the word Evil—Introduction. 131 [ADDITIONAL BIG BOOK ELEMENTS]
  106. Arguments against the concept of scriptural evil 132
  107. Alternatives for the word Evil 133
  108. Alternatives for God Bless You. 135
  109. Alternatives for: You are in my Prayers. 136
  110. Apologist Books. 137
  111. Apologists’ Canards. 138
  112. Anti-Religion Quotes. 139
  113. Atheist, How to Know if you are Militant 140
  114. Atheists, Top influential 25. 141
  115. Bad Things. 143
  116. Biblical Anti-Family Values. 144
  117. Bible Quotes–Often Attributed in Error 145
  118. Bible Contradictions. 146
  119. Bombardier Beetle—Irreducible Complexity (IC) 147
  120. Christian Teachings—Bad. 149
  121. Christopher Hitchens Debate Arguments. 150
  122. Christians, Short List of Former 152
  123. Cliché’s, Religious. 153
  124. Creationism teaching versus Science (pro-creationism) 154
  125. Deism: Creator deity to Jesus–Cannot get from one to the other 155
  126. Education anti religion. 156
  127. Facts on Death and Human Suffering. 157
  128. Free Will and Original sin: Without both the following Apologist arguments are unnecessary. 158
  129. Finely-Tuned Universe, Arguments for (Religious Argument) 159
  130. Former Atheists who are now Christians. 160
  131. Gods, Other Ancient 161
  132. Jesus not Divine, Reasons for 162
  133. Near Death Experience, Biological explanations. 163
  134. Obey God or Jesus?. 165
  135. Other Gods Just Like Christ 166
  136. Short List of gods: 167
  137. Old Testament – Top Date Factoids. 168
  138. Order of Creation, Scientific. 169
  139. Order of Creation, Genesis. 170
  140. Prayer Alternatives. 171
  141. Prayer, Reasons Yours are not being answered. 172
  142. Religious Behaviors That Are/Were Despicable. 173
  143. Religious Practices, Odd. 174
  144. Parodies of Pseudoscience. 175
  145. Religion as Egocentric. 176
  146. Secular Coalition of America Groups. 177
  147. Shroud of Turin. 178
  148. Sightless creatures that Live In Caves. 180
  149. Sources–Atheist Sites on the Internet 181
  150. Sources–Apologist and Creationism Information. 182
  151. Sources–Miscellaneous Information on Evolution and Religion. 183
  152. Soul, Ten Reasons Not to Believe in one. 184
  153. Tautology, Examples of. 185
  154. Us Versus Them dichotomy. 186
  155. Too Good to Be True. 187
  156. Wiki List of Transitional Fossils. 189
  157. Young-Earth Arguments, How Good Are They?

The End. 261