When All is Lost

Like my other two Novellas, The Balance of Nature, and A Hole in the Sand, the story is crisp and moves quickly from scene to scene. This story is a fun and wild ride that can be enjoyed on multiple levels. Issues such as purpose, capitalism, evil, religion, and the meaning of life and death permeate this story on nearly every page. These topics have always been of interest to me as I muddle through this thing I call life. [Amazon Link]

In our story we meet our characters: Phil, Ken, Tony, Linda, Michael and Harold; they are all highly successful business-people at the top of their game. They attend a highly-selective, two-week retreat with the renowned psychiatrist, Dr. Paul Bronstein. His promise to both his eager and not-so-eager students, is not only will he make them think–he will make them feel. Over the next two weeks they role-play and experience, using the doctor’s proprietary methodology, what it’s like to systematically lose all that they know and love, the meaning of their lives, and ultimately what is left when “All is Lost.” The doctor’s techniques are controversial. Is he a genius or something much, more sinister?

But the class is only half the story; the real story begins after the class over. That is when our cast discovers what it’s like to really have everything on the line. Hopefully my tale will encourage you to ask yourself, what would it feel like and what would you do if you lost everything.

I. M. Probulos