Tag Archives: God

TOGE, The writing of

The Other God’s Earth: No Sin, No Death, No Evil: Part One: Introduction   This is the first chapter of a book that will explore the thought process behind an alternate universe. How does one even begin writing a story where there is no antagonist, no killing, and no hate? It is available on Amazon.com […]

The Other God’s Earth: No sin, no death, and no evil

Can you imagine a world without sin, death, or evil? I did. That is the central theme of my latest book, The Other God’s Earth (TOGE) [Amazon Link]; it is now available on Amazon.com for $.99. It is only 80 pages. You can download a Kindle reader to any device: an Ipad, any phone, or […]

Kirk Cameron’s Unstoppable Movie

Why is there so much suffering? Why does God allow suffering? If God is good why is there so much pain and misery in the world? Kirk Cameron, a strict fundamentalist, will explain this to the world on Sept 24 2013. For anyone who has seen Kirk Cameron’s and Ray Comfort’s other videos and presentations […]

Reasons why churchgoers are happier than those who do not.

Some research suggests that churchgoers are happier than those who do not. One is that there is no official or formal organization in most cities for non-church goers including atheists, agnostics and secular humanists. As more freethought societies form across the nation, I think the sense of community will be essentially the same. It is difficult […]

Hearing God’s voice in your head

Probably the only thing worse than people adopting a life of superstition,  the supernatural and religion is anyone listening to the voice in their head and thinking it comes from God or “a god.” The powerful and weak, the rich and poor, for milennia, have listened to this little voice and said, “God told me […]

The 75 billion soul question

How many billions are in hell? This is the 75 billion soul question. Depending on whatever your personal religion or faith is, you must accept that you and your God are condemning the vast majority of humankind to an eternity of torture and torment – if you believe in hell. And forget about the free will […]