Statistics that shape our world

On January 9, 2019 the US national debt was $21, 926,044,700,000 and climbing higher every second. That is nearly 22 trillion.

GDP is $20.8 trillion. They are totally separate concepts.

The US spends about $1 trillion on Medicare/Medicaid, $1 trillion on Social Security, $670 billion on defense, $291 billion on income security, $342 billion on net interest on the debt, and $270 billion on federal pensions.

The US population is 328 million with 157 million in the work force. The official unemployment number is 5.9 million whereas the actual unemployed is 12.3 million (

38 million live in poverty.

27.5 million are without health insurance.

37.5 million are on food stamps.

59 million are on Medicare.

75 million Americans receive Medicaid.

A total of 168.7 million Americans receive government benefits.

Statistics matter. The concepts of The Statistical Theory of Everything and Probulism promote reasons, science, and data over superstition and a “gut feel.” That is no way to run a government (or your life). In Probulism, your purpose is to move to the right of the STOE line. In relation to health, wealth, compassion, happiness, and most all, you should aim to move everyone, and everything to the right of the line.

For more information on how Probulism can give your life meaning and purpose without religion or superstition, read my books available on Amazon Kindle.

I. M. Probulos

Twitter: @improbulos

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