Reply to Amazon Kindle Book: God is Here by John W Nichols

Read through your little book, God is Here on Amazon Kindle.
It tries to explain why bad things happen; why would a good God allow them?
You are not free from drugs etc because of God. It is more due to probability! My guess is you went to a 12-Step program and gave yourself to a “higher power”
Your answer is insulting to the millions who cannot free themselves from drugs, alcohol or pornography.
You have an addictive personality and you have just substituted one addiction (religion) for another (see above).
Read The Statistical Theory of Everything so you can understand more how probabilities work.
A certain percentage of addicts will kick the habit; another percentage will die early in the gutter. Based on probabilities.

Let’s look at the origin of sin. Think of this: if Eve did a do-over 100 times what would happen?
Eat the apple 1 out of 100?
Eat the apple 50 out of 100?
Eat the apple 100 out of 100?

No matter what outcome the God you worship is subservient to probability.
1 out of 100 is bad. It was a 1% probability that this world would occur: He’s an imbecile God.
50 out of 100 is still not good. Like flipping a coin. Still an imbecile but an odd choice.
100 out of 100 is the worst. That would indicate that the God you worship is a Serial Torturer and wanted the world this way and to send 135,000 humans to hell every day, 75 billion and counting! Why not worship Charles Manson? He only killed seven people and did not plan on torturing 75 billion. The mind boggles at how any decent person could worship such a monster. Hitler not evil enough? Too busy blaming yourself?
John 14:6 is at the heart of the problem
Read Damnation by Probability to understand why it’s the problem.

Or my latest book: Jesus Returns July 13: Times Square (ok it’s R rated and you will hate it but you may get the point)
I don’t understand how anyone can feel all warm and fuzzy and smug about how great God makes you feel when you go to bed at night knowing that 75 billion humans are in torture and torment forever; 135,000 every single day. And the vast majority are good people: Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and other non-Christian faiths. That’s not even counting how many of the 2.4 Christians go to hell. Busy place! The problem is that people like you think of only their immediate group and ignore the bigger picture.
I consider that perspective immoral and find it sooo much better that we made it all up. I prefer to respect probability (Probulism a Religion for the Rest of Us) something that exists outside of time, space and matter.

Thank Goodness! No one is to blame for the evil in the world. I know Christians like to blame the victim: themselves. We are evil, sinful and deserve all this. It’s all because of a day-old child named Eve who had no concept of lying or evil. And now nearly 7 out of every 10 humans goes to hell every single day!

That’s like blaming 7 dogs out of 10 who bite their breeder on the dogs. The breeder needs to breed a better dog. If the breeder tortured the dogs he would go to jail. Right?
That’s like building 10 cars and 7 crash–and blaming the car. The CEO would get fired and then go to jail.
That’s like building 10 phones and 7 don’t work. Everyone would consider the CEO an imbecile and incompetent. No one blames the phone.

In your scenario, it’s the fault of humans, the creation, not the inventor. How did you allow yourself to be manipulated like that? If you want to insert Free Will then read The Illusion of Free Will. Free Will is not the same as making a choice or being responsible.

I also have YouTube videos if you want to educate yourself.

Remember that no number of biblical quote changes Damnation by Probability. They just make it worse. At the end there are only three questions: Is God made-up by man, an imbecile (cannot design a proper human), or a malevolent Serial Torturer (of 75 billion and counting). Which answer is better?

God is love because He says so. If you think torturing humans for eternity is love, then that’s your definition, certainly not mine. Romans 8:29 is called a tautology; with that logic anything is good–killing your own child; stoning people to death; anything. Useless morality.

BTW: Read Adam and Eve Revisited for another view on that fable (BTW2: Adam and Eve never existed; seriously)
BTW: Read Lucifer says No and see what happened if the mythological Satan was never created. Antagonists exist in mythology; in reality, against an omnipotent being it would not be a fair fight; God could think Satan out of existence.
Sounds like someone has done a good job of brainwashing you into thinking you’re this awful, sinful person. I consider that child abuse.

Remember that 68% of the world’s population of 7.7 billion is non-Christian. Islam is growing faster than Christianity. The number in hell will only increase by numbers and percentage. The road is narrow? Sure. Nice God you have there. God is love? Unconditional love? Seriously? Nothing is further from the truth.
75 billion in hell and counting. A Serial Torturer.

I. M. Probulos

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