Jesus Returns July 13: Times Square, New York City

Available now on Amazon Kindle, This short-story is one wild ride. Our tale asks the question, “What it would look like if Jesus Christ returned to Earth on July 13 in the center of Times Square for the Final Judgement?” The slant is definitely satirical, irreverent and liberal. There is a lot of political humor. But with over 75 actual Bible quotes, it will surprise, amuse, and educate you. I’m not aware of anything quite like it–anywhere.

, This short-story is one wild ride. Our tale asks the question, “What it would look like if Jesus Christ returned to Earth on July 13 in the center of Times Square for the Final Judgement?” The slant is definitely satirical, irreverent and liberal. There is a lot of political humor. But with over 75 actual Bible quotes, it will surprise, amuse, and educate you. I’m not aware of anything quite like it–anywhere.

Available on Amazon Kindle

The story is not told with fictional characters but real people, playing themselves. How would the personalities of today react to this world-changing event? Would they consider it “fake news?” Would they reject it as a hoax? How exactly would that play out? Instead of interpreting the Bible, as most do, I’ve taken the most literal interpretation. As Jesus says, “It is as it is written.”

Jesus will be sending sinners to hell. Trust me, it’s not pretty. And, being sinners, there are a few F-bombs in our little R-rated tale. If your religion or politics are conservative you may prefer the P-G Rated version, Jesus Returns August 13, Prepare and Repent, which I plan to publish around March 1. You may still disagree with most of it but it’s a much tamer version of the same story.

I will leave it to the reader to determine whether this is parody, fiction, or prophecy. As with all my publications, I don’t seek agreement; my hope is that our fable will spark reflection, discussion, debate, and of course, a few chuckles.

Read the book to the end before you comment as it goes through several “phases” and you may not get the point (or humor) until the very end. If you like the book, please recommend it to your friends and leave a comment. If you wish to help me improve it (or add ideas for my next version) you can contact me at my website: I’m also on Youtube and Twitter.

I. M. Probulos

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